Use "prostrate|prostrated|prostrates|prostrating" in a sentence

1. The pilgrims prostrated themselves before the altar.

2. They prostrated themselves before the altar.

3. Polygonum aviculare L.: Prostrate knotweed absolute CoE 515 / Prostrate knotweed extract CoE 515 / Prostrate knotweed tincture CoE 515

4. They prostrated themselves before the emperor.

5. The typhoon prostrated numerous young trees.

6. The captives prostrated themselves before the conqueror.

7. The trees were prostrated by the gales yesterday.

8. I was prostrate with grief.

9. They fell prostrate in worship.

10. They fell prostrate before the king.

11. She was prostrate on the floor.

12. Condescendent prostrate Athetosic outdresses globously unmoldable

13. He stumbled over Luke's prostrate body.

14. Annes has fallen prostrate before the field.

15. The illness left her prostrate for several weeks.

16. Then they prostrate themselves, yes, they worship it.

17. She was prostrate with grief after her son's death.

18. To the Tathagata, Bestowed with Glory, I prostrate

19. She was prostrate with grief after his death.

20. They found him lying prostrate on the floor.

21. Outside they prostrate themselves on wooden prayer beds.

22. Shall we prostrate ourselves and deprecate his wrath?

23. When he left she'd been prostrate upon her bed.

24. Obasanjo Prostrates Before The Agura Of Gbágùrá (Photo) - Politics - Nairaland

25. She was found prostrate on the floor of the cell.

26. On learning that the maiden is related to Abraham, Eliezer prostrates himself in thanks to Jehovah.

27. A woman, prostrate with grief, lay wailing on the ground.

28. Gabriel saw a man praying before an idol, lying prostrate.

29. Prostrate kelps lie near and along the sea floor (e.g., Laminaria).

30. His mother's prostrate body the fiery Columbanus in holy zeal bestrode.

31. Over our prostrate forms the bullets are hissing and shells shrieking.

32. To the dried-out wood of a tree shall I prostrate myself?’

33. The prisoners were forced to lie prostrate in front of their captors.

34. Percy was lying prostrate, his arms outstretched and his eyes closed.

35. She prostrated herself before the image of Mary and placed the best candles she could buy before the crucifix.

36. The country, prostrate after years of war, began slowly to recover.

37. Was it Carl Lewis falling prostrate after his gold medal long jump?

38. Thalli are linear and prostrate, with smooth margins and a distinct dorsal sulcus.

39. 9-14 Vocab bingo card with Raptly, Dismay, Swagger, Convulsions, Unison, Prostrated, Relish, Sidled, Mugged and Balefully

40. Their goal is to kiss an icon of Mary and prostrate themselves before it.

41. You subconsciously Besplatter your pages with inert verbs that squat or prostrate themselves

42. The angels prostrate, not before the human body, but before the human soul.

43. You subconsciously Besplatter your pages with inert verbs that squat or prostrate themselves

44. Ahmed and Francis were bored and Gus said his prostrate was flaring up.

45. The young mother was prostrate with grief at her baby's death from pneumonia.

46. Pulling a torch from this pocket he played the beam across her prostrate form.

47. Their crews are prostrate in the shade, trying to escape the excruciating, oven heat.

48. He came in before the king and prostrated himself to the king with his face to the ground.

49. Synonyms for Accumbent include decumbent, prostrate, prone, flat, horizontal, reclining, recumbent, level, parallel and plane

50. 26 The young mother was prostrate with grief at her baby's death from pneumonia.

51. Banksias range in size from prostrate woody shrubs to trees up to 30 metres tall

52. Beholden, father and son prostrated at the swamiji’s feet and washed them afresh with the tears of their souls

53. 28 At this sight Catharine, much troubled, prostrated profoundly and gradually restored the foot of Agnes to its usual position.

54. DESCRIPTION: Fourleaf Allseed is a small, erect, spreading, or prostrate annual herb to 15 cm tall1

55. Prostrate straighten back, both ends raise, sit-up can be used for core strength training methods.

56. Synonyms for Curtseyed include bobbed, curtsied, genuflected, knelt, kneeled, bowed, stooped, prostrated oneself, dropped a curtsy and bent the knee

57. Small dandelion looked to this land, beach several reed hung head, listlessly prostrate on the ground.

58. The referee made a sweeping gesture with his arm over the prostrate figure of the white fighter.

59. The crowd became Breathlessly excited as they approached, and as the ikons were set up before the populace, all prostrated themselves in homage

60. Symptoms of B deficiency in E. globulus were rolled and malformed leaves, stem dieback, and a prostrate form.

61. Birdweed; Doorweed; Knotgrass; Lowgrass; Pigweed; Prostrate Knotweed; Wiregrass; Phonetic Spelling po-LI-go-num a-vik-yoo-LAIR-ee Description

62. For this chance fever which had just laid me prostrate was not induced by Honegger alone but by you too.

63. Caltrop is a prostrate annual that produces very spiny fruits that can cause major problems to plant, animals and people

64. Paths were lost which the water had obliterated and silent highways were marked by great trees lying prostrate across the track.

65. Both species are evergreen, low shrubs growing to 10–70 cm tall, prostrate where colonizing new mud, but once rooted, growing bushy.

66. At that Saul recognized that it was ‘Samuel,’ and he proceeded to bow low with his face to the earth and to prostrate himself.

67. 19 Then Deucalion and Pyrrha, entering a temple defaced with slime, approached the enkindled altar and, falling prostrate, prayed for guidance and aid.

68. This English word (from the same Latin root as “obey” and “obedience”) signifies the act of bowing, kneeling or prostrating the body, or by some other gesture Betokening submission or simply the paying of respect

69. Apetalous Chickweed Stellaria pallida Pink family (Caryophyllaceae) Description: This plant is a winter or spring annual; it is prostrate or spreading, producing stems up to 20" long

70. 1667, John Milton, Paradise Lost, Book 1, lines 279-282, […] now they lyeGroveling and prostrate on yon Lake of Fire, As we erewhile, Astounded and amaz’d, No wonder, …

71. And The Prayer a Renewal of the Baptismal Vows - O my Lord and my God, I humbly prostrate in The Renewal of the Baptismal Promises - I, N

72. Like the Jewish people, we too, following what Nehemiah recounts, welcome his words with the acclamation "Amen, amen" and in our hearts prostrate before him, expressing our deep fidelity to his will.

73. + 2 And all the king’s servants who were in the king’s gate would bow low and prostrate themselves to Haʹman, for this is what the king had commanded respecting him.

74. Bearberry, (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), flowering prostrate evergreen shrubs of the heath family (Ericaceae), occurring widely throughout the northern reaches of Europe, Asia, and North America in rocky and sandy woods and in open areas

75. Imagine someone who hates you with the utmost intensity grabbing a handful of your hair while you're lying prostrate and helpless and scraping a dull blade of a rusty knife around your scalp with a saw-like motion.

76. Polygonum aviculare or common knotgrass is a plant related to buckwheat and dock.It is also called prostrate knotweed, Birdweed, pigweed and lowgrass.It is an annual found in fields and wasteland, with white flowers from June to October

77. A natural freedom of fancy among the people turned the holy relics, pictures, and statues into objects of adoration; people prostrated themselves before them, kissed them, burned candles and incense before them, crowned them with flowers, and sought miracles from their occult influence. . . .

78. But when the sun god stood Bestriding the middle heaven, then the father balanced his golden scales, and in them 70 he set two fateful portions of death, which lays men prostrate, for Trojans, breakers of horses, and bronze-armoured Achaians, and balanced it …

79. Eremophila debilis, the winter apple or Amulla, is a flowering plant in the figwort family Scrophulariaceae, and is endemic to an area extending from north Queensland to near the border between New South Wales and Victoria in Australia.It is a prostrate shrub with lance-shaped leaves and …

80. The Hebrew word in this passage translated as "Afflict" in the KJV is וְעִנִּיתֶ֖ם (weinnitem) which is defined as "to be occupied, be busied with to Afflict, oppress, humble, be Afflicted, be bowed down" So this term has the sense of being prostrate and Afflicted with humility